When considering booking one of our Show Globe acts there are a few logistical factors to consider. We’re a completely custom-built creation so we appreciate you’ll need a little bit of behind the scenes information to know if you can accommodate us. Here is a guide to how we work and what we need to be able to give your event the best experience. The good news is that we’re completely self-contained, we provide absolutely everything we need, even our own dressing room!
On standard bookings we perform either 3 x 30 minute sets or 2 x 45 minutes. We can advise which would suit your event best, to make the most of the act. When working as our standard team of 2 people, 1 additional set can be added at an additional fee. However for greater time coverage we can double the standard booking performance times we offer with one Show Globe, by providing 2 performers for 1 Show Globe. Or we can provide 2 separate Show Globe acts. Talk to us about what you need and we’ll help come up with the best plan of action.
For International bookings requiring us to fly, please download our International Booking Information PDF for full details and then contact us for prices.
For UK and EU bookings, The Show Globe travels in two different ways:
1. Fully built in our luton van which also doubles as our backstage for the Globe in between performances and is the dressing room for the performer. It has its own toilet, heating and lighting so that the performer can comfortably remain out of sight from the public throughout the event duration whilst they are in costume and make-up. We never spoil the magic by showing any of the behind the scenes, this includes the performer once they are in costume. The Show Globe will be lowered directly out the back via the tail lift with the performer already inside starting the performance as soon as it leaves the vehicle.
This luton van will be the start and finish location for each set so needs to be positioned as close to the performance location as possible to maximise show times.
2. The other way it is transported is inside its own custom built trailer towed behind a van. The trailer, like the luton van, contains not only the backstage for the Globe itself but also the dressing room for the performer, again with it’s own heating and lighting etc. The trailer will need to be positioned very near to the performance location. Once in position the vehicle that has towed it can be removed and parked elsewhere if required.
During very busy periods, where we have multiple bookings in different locations on the same day, we will also use our original rig which is a smaller trailer. This requires us to pop up our 3m x 3m gazebo next to the trailer, tied off to it for safety, so that the Globe can be moved into the gazebo as its backstage then allowing us to use the trailer as the performers dressing room with its facilities.
We will inform you which option we’ll be bringing to your event at the point of booking.
We always perform as a 2 person team, one performer and one technician. Our technician will always remain with the Globe throughout the performance. For the most part they will blend discreetly into the crowd so they are not obvious to the audience and not disturbing their experience. The Show Globe is a safe tactile structure for audiences to be up close to and touch and interact with, that’s part of it’s charm. It isn’t necessary to keep the public back from it. It will travel as far as is possible within the event space within the performance times.
In peak times we have multiple Show Globes performing in different locations on the same day so we will inform you which set up we will be bringing to your event (whether the luton van or one of the trailers) at the point of booking.
The above information is the basic outline, click here to download the detailed Technical Specification PDF with more in depth information of our requirements for outdoor bookings.
Indoor bookings
We are predominantly an outdoor act due to our size (and that we’re not an inflatable!) but with the right available indoor space and enough time before and after the event, we can arrive with our Show Globe dismantled small enough to be able to bring it indoors. Every indoor booking is different as every building is different. We will need to talk to you about your venue and its own particular access.
The Show Globe comes apart in three different options:
We need a dedicated build space of 4m by 3m minimum in the performance room or within access of the performance room at fully built dimensions. This will be hidden from view for the duration of the event. We can provide screens for this. This will be the start and finish point of each performance.
We will dismantle The Show Globe after the last performance. We will unload all our equipment after the public have left the room post event if our area is within the event room.
The majority of our bookings are outdoors where The Show Globe acts arrive fully built. During peak periods such as Christmas or the summer, it may not be possible to schedule an indoor performance booking in-between outdoor performance bookings due to the many extra hours involved to dismantle the Globe before our arrival and then to rebuild it after our departure. We will discuss the logistics of this when you enquire.
This is a brief outline. For our detailed indoor booking technical information click here to download our PDF